Sunday, February 14, 2016

Blog 2- Plate boundaries

Plate tectonics are known as a large- scale geographic process that deform Earth's lithosphere resulting in land forms such as ocean basins, continents, and mountains. Plate boundaries are defined as the relative movement of the plates on either side of the boundary. Iran has a micro plate called the Iranian Plate. A micro plate is grouped with an adjacent major group and contains an area less than 1 million square kilometers. The Iranian Plate surrounds Iran and Afghanistan and even parts of Pakistan and Iraq. It is pressed between the Arabian Plate to the south and the Eurasian Plate to the north. Its boundaries are continental- continental. Subduction of ocean lithosphere ultimately leads to convergence of continents. Because continents are too buoyant to subduct, high mountains develop as the continents are forced upwards in the collision zone. This compression causes a great of mountains in its terrain such as the Zagros Mountains, that are continuing to get higher and higher. Unfortunately it creates earthquakes, a life threatening hazard. A subduction zone quake was the strongest earthquake to hit Iran in 50 years. The Khash earthquake ranged 51 miles, where the Arabian plate dives under the massive Eurasian plate. Dozens of people were known to be killed due to the collision of business. Since it is a convergent (collision) flooding and mass wasting can occur.


  1. I never really considered the natural hazards that Iran faces. In the news, we always hear about the wars that Countries such as Iran faces, but our media doesn't seem to cover much about this countries natural hazards. Great post and I look forward to learning more about this country and it's natural hazards and climate information!

  2. Very nice entry-a lot of shaking in that part of the world!-Looking forward to what you will discover this week. This below might help:

  3. Very nice entry-a lot of shaking in that part of the world!-Looking forward to what you will discover this week. This below might help:
