Friday, May 6, 2016

Iran's Coastal Problems

Iran suffers from various coastal problems due to having two separate coastlines with different characteristics. It's north and south coastlines are about 3000 kilometer in length. The northern coastal area has three coastal provinces. These provinces have a Mediterranean climate with enjoyable sceneries which make it the destination of million tourists a year. They also consist of a major agricultural poll. The north is  over populated and has a significant amount of development due to the boost in its economy. The southern coastal area consists of four provinces. It is mostly underdeveloped and somewhat deserted due to it's harsh climate and shortage of surface and ground water.  Hydrocarbon pollution is a major issue for Iran's marine and coastal environment. This was due to intense oil and gas exploitation activities in the Caspian Sea, and occurrence of the two wars in the Persian Gulf during the last two decades. As a result, biodiversity is being threatened and natural resources are deteriorating. To Prevent these problems, Iran has developed ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management).  "The ICZM is a resource management system which employs an interactive, hollistic approach and an interactive planning process in addressing the complex management issues in the coastal areas" (Chua). Iran's plan has several long term goals. Some of the main ones are the following: establishment of sustainable social and economical development in the coastal areas, using the sea as main gates for connecting and interacting with other countries, protecting the environment, protect the right of the public for using the beaches as a common national wealth, making optimal use of the coastal regions and their resources, and organizing human habitats and installations in the coastal areas and providing the required safety.
geography-and-climate_Iran_map_600px_climatezones_8b69e0b505.jpg (318×318)
"Iran's Integrated Coastal Management Plan: Persian Gulf, Oman Sea, and Southern Caspian Sea Coastlines ." Web. 06 May 2016.

"Iran's Coastal Zone | Iran ICZM." Iran's Coastal Zone | Iran ICZM. Web. 06 May 2016.


  1. Very interesting that the same country has two different coastal environments, north and south. I wonder if the overpopulation of the northern side comes with human impacts affecting the coasts as well (kind of a vicious circle). The ICZM seems like a very effective system!

  2. Wow! I had no idea that hydrocarbon pollution is a major issue for Iran's coastal and marine environment, but am happy that they have many long terms goals. Especially, after oil and gas exploitation in the Caspian Sea. It makes me wonder if there were not any regulations put in place to drill for oil. Unfortunately, Iran is now paying the price and it is destroying their coast.

  3. I also wonder, how Iran is going to keep track of the improvements on the coast and the cost.

  4. I liked reading your blog I don't know much about Iran but I think it is cool that you explained the climate changes and how they are so drastically different from one side of the country to the next. I automatically thought about how the population in the North is probably so high and I am sure there have been issues because of that. I also thought the ICZM was a good move on Iran's part and it seems like they are trying to take care of the issues.
